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loosing his hair

19 17:15:32

i was wondering if you can help me figure this out my pomerian is scratching so bad in the back of his tail bone and i think he is itching so bad because he is scratching to the point that he has lost so much hair and like  4 inches of his skin is with out hair he does has an appointment monday but i think the ithcings is not letting him alone please tell me what to do, i think he is suffering.
thank you for your help.

You can try oatmeal bath on the itchy skin.  Your dog may be allergic to something in its food or from a parasite.  Your vet will let you know.  There are products you can try to relieve the itching asside from the oatmeal bath (leave on) you can try colliodal silver or olive iol.

Best of luck!