Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > Pomeranian


19 17:13:34

i just got a 9 week old pomeranian.  Are pomeranians a lap dog? House breaking is my question.  i need to know what do i do if i am home and he pees in the house?  when i keep him in the kitchen he will cry?  so i dont know what to do.

As hard as it may be do not let the pup have the run of the house and get into a habit of peeing where ever.  Give him a place of his own like the utility or bathroom and put
paper down.  Take him outside after you feed him...and let
him get into the habit of going outside when he needs to potty.  Only let him loose in the house when you can watch
and make sure he doesn't potty in the house.
If he starts to do this, pick him up and put him back onto paper in his room or take outside so he understands what is
wanted of him.

He needs a safe fenced place in the yard when you take him out.