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Older Pom house breaking

19 17:16:53

Hi Carrie:
I've been checking out the AllExpert website but have not found the answer to my question.

I have a male pom, 4yrs. old, neutered at 5 1/2 months. I love this dog like a child but am very frustrated because I can't seem to get him completely house trained. I take him out about every 3 to 4 hours during the day and we usually have a 2AM potty break. Still, he continues to piddle and poop in the house (usually in the dining room or my youngest son's room. Our home recently burned and we are currently in a rental property. The funny thing is that he is using the same areas in the rental as he does at home). Please tell me there is some hope for getting him trained and point me in the direction I need to travel.
Thanks for your help
Little Fox's mom

Hi Cheryl,

Sometimes I wish this was help by phone or in person instead of email.  I have a few questions:  Does he have free reign of the house?  If you are gone during the day, where does he stay?  How are you cleaning up the messes?  How much does he weigh?  Did you purchase him from a pet store?  How often is he going in the house?  Would you consider litter box training?  Do you have any other pets?  Do you go outside with him during potty breaks?  Does he go? Do you offer treats and praise for pottying outside?
