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food and litter trian???

19 17:16:01

hi, i just got a 8 weeks old pom... he is my first dog.. what brand foods are good for this little 1IB 13oz pom... and he is paper trained... how is the best way to apply litter box training for him....he stays at my room my most of the times... but i dont wanna leave the litter box in my room... should i keep him and the litter box somewhere else..... what basic things do i need to know about pom... thank you.....

Fr a puppy his size and age you should "free feed" which means you fill the bowl every time it is empty and let him eat when/as much as he wants.  Poms (or toy breeds) are prone to hypoglycemia (low blood suger) if they go to long without a meal.  If you want him to use the litterbox you need to keep him and the litterbox in the same place.  There are TONS of informative links on my links page plus a lot of links to sites that you will find very helpful and knowledgable.  If you have any other questions you can email me dierctly.