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Just a Few ?s

19 17:15:20

Hello Trish,

I have read just about every one of the archived questions yet I still feel like I need a little bit more info.

I bought a pomeranian on 12/03/05.  He is now 6 mos and weighs 5 lbs.  He is truly a joy and I love him so much.  He is a dream come true for me since I've been dreaming of having a pom for many years.  He is super adorable, loving, and smart.

I work all day and leave him in his crate.  I know you've stated that this is too long for a puppy but he really seems to like it.  I do spend my lunch hours at home with him.  I tried leaving him enclosed in the hallway with bedding, toys, food, and water but, he always seemed a bit distraught this way.  I started leaving him in the crate again and he seemed much happier.  Does that mean that I should keep crating him?

I also have housetraining issues.  I lead him outside on a leash and he does his business immediately.  However, in the evenings, when he is out of his crate, it seems like he must go outside about every 30-45 min or he will go to the bathroom in the house.  I feel like since he can hold it while in his crate for 3-4 hrs, he should be able to hold it longer when he is not in the crate.  He doesn't give any apparent signals that he needs to go outside which makes it even harder.  Do you know if it is normal for poms to have to go to the bathroom so frequently at this age?  Should I stop leading him outside on the leash now and just let him out by himself?   (endlosed, fenced yard, puppy-proof)

One last question.  I am wondering if he will grow out of being "naughty".  I am very attentive when we are together but he always manages to grab something he shouldn't (he'll grab anything!)  I am wondering if I will ever be able to relax with him around.  He has plenty of toys and likes to play with them.  Do poms usually stop this behavior when they get older?  Is he normal for acting this way at his age?

Your responses will be much appreciated!



Normally I would say that crating for that length of time isn't a good idea but if your little pup seems to prefer it and you are amkign sure he has food and water throughout his kennel stay then I would say do what you know your pup prefers. :)
It is probably not that he actually has to go to he bathroom but that he is either in the habit of going that often when uncrated or that he is marking.  Is he nuetered? That may make a difference.  I am betting he does give signals-I have never known a pup to just stop and go to the bathroom.  Either he is starting to squat and you canmake A LOT of noise "No, No, No-OUTSIDE!" and clap your hands or he is circling and you can cathc him. Make a big deal out of the indiscretion and put him directly out for a few minutes.  When he does go outside PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE!  And I would allow him the time outside and not on the leash-remember no matter what, no collars, only harness'.
And l;astly, YES he will grow out of being a puppu when he is done being a puppy. ;) Being naughty, inquisitive, rambuntcious is all a part of being a baby-which he very much is.  Give him a good 8-12 months to grow out of being a pup.

Best of luck!