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my poms coat

19 17:15:18

I have a 5 month old pom pup, that has an open coat. How can I get him to grow a fluffy one? My husband thinks I got jipped, but my poms are registered, and states they are pure breds. I love my poms. I just purchased my second pom last sat. and she is just as fluffy as he was. But now hes getting older and sort of ugly in looks. Not to be mean, I really love him. But is there any help to make my pom beautiful again?

Check out the question archives! ;) It is a very common stage in Pom development.  It is also refered to as the "puppy uglies" if you can believe that. But the grow out of it and get lovely full coats as long as it is in their lineage to grow full fluffy coats.  Poms who are not well bred tend to have flat open coats that never get fluffy.

Time will tell...
