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Pom behavior with guests.....

19 17:17:39

Our 2-year-old pom is pretty well trained, except for when strangers come to the door.....She becomes this wild, barking little beast, who never bites, but sometimes tries to jump on whomever is there.
She won't listen to any of her commands, and it's tough to grab her and take her away.
It's downright embarrassing sometimes.

Any suggestions?

Hi Scott,

It sounds like she has developed a long-standing habit that won't be easy to break.  As intelligent and well
trained as my pom is, he still barks too much when someone knocks on the door.  I've tried yelling at him, hitting him lightly on the hiney, and giving him treats for being quiet.  By far the best method is using treats.  You have to be consistant and always have treats on hand. When
she starts to bark tell her to be quiet, (have a treat in your hand),when she becomes quiet give her the treat and lots of praise.

Sometimes I put him in the bedroom when he begins to bark and before I answer the door. Then I let him back out after a couple minutes.  He's quiet in the bedroom and he doesn't bark when I let him back out.  It's worth the extra effort not to have to listen to him carry on.

Hope this helps!

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