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Bathing & Food

19 17:16:17

We've adopted an 11 month old (black)pom about 6 weeks ago.  I've had to bathe her 2 times for her smell (wet-dog/feet smell).  How often should we be bathing her and what shampoo do you recommend?  We are now using one for dark colored coates with an added conditioner.  

Also, her previous owner said that canned foods and some treats did not agree with her digestive system (runny stools?) What brands of dry foods to you recommend?  We are currently giving her Iams puppy, but we don't want her to get bored with it.
Thanks for any suggestions you can offer!

Canned food CAN give runny stool so it is best to just offer the dry as you have been and they will thrive just fine. :) You can occasionally give chewy treats like pig ears, raw hide or squicky toys too, for fun.
You shouldn't bathe more than once a month or 2 since it washes away all the natural oils in the coat which isn't a good idea.  The skin can become dry and itchy if you do.  The type of dog shampoo you use isn't as important as that it is for dogs-not people kind.  A lanoline based shampoo is good for the coat.  There are things you can buy from te pet store that will help the "dog smell" but... it is a dog and they smell like dogs a lot of the time. :P
Good luck with her.
There are links to some great Pom info on my site if you are interested.  You will find them on my links page.
Gemini Poms