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potty training my pom

19 17:13:56

I recently got a 12 week old male pomeranian and potty training has been difficult.  We cannot get him to go outside.  if we see him circle or squat we rush him outside and allow him 15-20 min to do his business but it don't happen.  However, within a few minutes after coming back in he goes on the carpet.  We have recently been trying to use the potty training pads with some success.  Should we try a puppy liter box or is there a way to get him to go outside?   Pleas help!  
Thank you,

At this age you can try any and all of the potty training methods you can think of to know what works for your baby and what works for you. My 2 litters of 12 week olds are using the litterbox with precision :o) I love it.  But I have also used piddle pads with succes and adults go to them when I have them locked up and they are not able to go out for a while (girls in season that need to be seperated fromt he rest) and that is also nice.  You cannot expect your pup to have a clue about it all until at least 6 mo old. :o) Check out the archives or my links page for tons of info on training and health and all things Pom.
Your pup can learn to go out.  You may even want to consider a doggy door-those work well too.
Congrats on your baby and enjoy him!
