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15 ounce pom

19 17:13:18

I appreciate your answer & all is probably very correct.  I have really picked high quality small dogs (4) and know there is no in-bred problem.  What would cause this to happen?
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I have a pom that is 3 1/2 months old and weighs 15 ounces.  The vet told me a week after she was born I should not try to raise her.  Her two litter mates are 2.5 pounds & perfect. NOW "MINI" is happy, healty, & very active & unbelievable sassy.  What can I supplement her with & is such a tiny dog capable of having a normal life?
A normal life?  Probably not...she would be considered dwarf and with that comes life threating issues.  Feed her
good quality puppy food and give her supplements that you
will find in good pet shops.

Why do a woman who has normal size babies have one premature?  No one can answer this but something was just
not right during the pregnancy and if the pup is doing alright for you at this many don't
make it.

Bi-Mar Pomeranians