Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > Scratching


19 17:14:59

Why does my dog scratch all the time and she does not have fleas?

It could be any number of reasons... allergies (to food or surroundings), fleas, mites.  The only way to know is to take her to the vet for a check up.  Just because you don't SEE a parasite doesn't mean they aren't there. :o) The only fleas you will see on your pet are the females and they will only nite just before they lay eggs.  So for every one you see there a hundred you don't.  Mites are VERY small and often look like dandruff/dry skin.
Many dogs have allergies to certain foods, detergents, bedding...
Your vet is your best bet at getting to the bottom of it.

Best of luck!