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Arguments about tcup vs. small dog

19 17:14:52

Hi Trish, I am picking up my 3 mos old pom this weekend and I have been doing research on the tcup , alot of breeders are using that name for the smaller litters, but I am a little confused, when I look at photoes of poms some are smaller fully grown then others, so am I to assume that if I get a "tcup" then there is a possiblility I will have a smaller dog as an adult? Also Can you please clarify if there is a pom breed called toy or tcup? both sides of the arguments make sence but I'm torn becasue the breeders dogs are clean and my poms parents look great, happy and healthy, the breeder is so sweet, but everything I am reading is saying not to trust a breeder who calls a puppy pom a tcup. what do you think.


Above is a link to the American Pomeranian Club where you will find the Pomeranian standard.  The standard that all breeders should adhere to when breeding Poms.
Having said this, though, there are a lot of breeders out there just trying to make a buck and will use whatever tactics they think they can to try to get someone to buy their pup over their competitors.
There is no such thing as a TOY or T CUP or MINATURE pomeranian.  The standard for Poms is 3-7 lbs.

The above is a link to the history of Poms and there you will find that they originated as a large working arctic breed until they were bred down to the size they are today.  Having this in their background means that occasionally and especially if someone is not concerned with pedigrees and genetics the "throw backs" will pop up and you will have Poms that are over the standard size.  Due to inbreeding or genetic issues you may find Poms that are even below the standard and those should both be avoided in a breeding program.

Hope that helps.
