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Natural Scent?

19 17:13:45

I just bought a pomeranian a few days ago hes a rare purebred, he is black and grey and a little white.  He has this irritating scent i was wondering what shampoo is best for him? How long would it take for the scent to go away?
thank you.

do you think you might be able to send me a picture? :o)
I haven't seen a rare pomeranian in a long time. it would be neat to see your new pup.

As far as smell... all dogs kinda have their own scent.  I guess stink is all in the smellers opinion of what smells bad.  Baby shampoos smell nice but there are also lots of scented dog shampoos on the market now days that can cover dog smell for a while.  If the smell is really bad then there may be a health issue you need to have looked at by a vet.
You shouldn't bathe the dog more than a couple times a month or you wash away the natural oils that keep the skin from getting dry and flaky.
You can check out my links page for links to Pom info, shoping all kinds of good stuff.

Enjoy your new pup. :o)
