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Biting and aggression

19 17:14:33

Please, oh please help me.  My Pomeranian, Connor, is 3 1/2.  I have been dating someone for 2 years and we moved in together nearly 3 months ago.  In the past few weeks, Connor has begun biting my boyfriend whenever he tries to take him outside or correct him when he is doing something he isn't supposed to, such as being on our bed.  Please don't misunderstand me, Connor's biting is not merely nipping at him. He is full blown attacking him and today bit him so badly that he chomped down to the bone. And behavior occurs only when I am not home.

Connor has only tried to bite me a few times when I was training him as a puppy and is usually such an easy dog to live with.  He has, however, snapped at adults before and children a couple of times.

Today my boyfriend told me that it was "him or the dog".  There are no professional training options where I live and I just don't know what to do.

I have an appointment to talk to my vet in the morning, but I am so fearful that he will recommend that I euthanize him.  And I am also afraid that I may loose the person I love before I get a chance to fix this.

What can I do?

I can't help you with this.

This is a persoanl decision.  If your boyfriend wants to give you an altimatum like this without trying... is he worth keeping? If the dog is aggressive and uncontrolable... is he worth keeping?  This is only for you to decide.
You don't have to put the dog down-you can find him an appropriate home or train him better.

This is a relationship problem and a dog training problem. If there is no dog trainers in the area you need to do it yourself.  But if your boyfriend doesn't even want to give you the time to try to work that out then maybe the dog is just an axcuse... I don't know.

Best of luck.
