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handling my newborn

19 17:14:31

My 1 1/2 year old pomeranian dog just had 3 puppies what I have a few questions when handling them....

    1) How long must I wait until I can hold the puppies?
    2) When can the dogs stop feeding off the mother?
    3) Will the mother dog deficate the day after the puppies are born?
    4) when can the mother be seperated form her puppies?

Thank You for your time

I have to tell you that these are really things you should know before your dog was even bred.

Now that they are here...
1-you should ALWAYS wash your hands before handling the pups and really only handle them to check them and weigh them each day.  DO not let visitors handle them for the first couple weeks and if you do they MUST wash their hands first.  Pups are prone to illness and parasites early in life.
2-they will be nursing for AT LEAST 5-6 weeks.  Let the dam decide when it is time to start weaning.  She will need to be with them for another couple weeks following weaning becuase they will be learning social skills from her.  Let her out to potty a few times a day but otherwise should be with them all of the first 2 weeks.  With minimal breaks the weeks following.  Poms are a toy breed pron to hypoglycemia.
3-yes she will need to be let out a few times a day and make sure she always has lots of food and water available.  You can also crush a calcium vitamin and add it to a tablespoon or cottage ch or yogurt to supplement her during nursing the babies-they will draw a lot of nurtients and calcium from her.
4-I let my pups go to new homes between 10-12 weeks old.

Best of luck.