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Undercoat and spaying

19 17:13:41

I adopted my pom from a family who had too many kids and not enough time
to devote to her. She's almost a year old, and I'm a little concerned about her
coat. She has very soft fur that falls down around her middle. She doesn't
have much of an undercoat except for on her hindquarters. I was told that in
females, this is hormonal and that getting her spayed will expedite the
growing in of her full undercoat. Is there any truth to this or is it just a matter
of time (everyone seems to say 3 years) before her full coat comes in? Do you
suggest a dietary supplement? (I've heard dream coat works wonders.)

Thanks for any help you can provide

Here's a pictue of her - maybe it will help?

Dream coat is great but won't grow coat where the genes don't support a full coat. :o)
She is still a puppy.  Give her more time.  And often times bitches do not have the coat that dogs do. It is Mother Nature's way-the males of most species tend to be more colorful or flamboyant.

Dream coat can't hurt. :o)
