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potty training and circling

19 17:14:12

Hi, we now have 3 pommie boys. The first is 11 mos. old. We have a 4.5 mo. old and have rescued a boy that is 1yr. 3mos. old. I believe he was in a bad home. He is very beautiful. When we got him 3 weeks ago we were told that he had been kept in his crate all the time and was not potty trained. He circles constantly. The circles are getting bigger and I think that is a good sign. He goes nuts during a storm. Lightening and thunder make him very nervous. Questions: what if anything can we do to stop or minimize the circling, what is the best way to potty train him as he hates that crate! We take him out often, he loves the outdoors, won't go till he comes inside. I had a breeder tell me that the circling is caused by water on the brain. There is a fancy term for it. This potty training is being a challenge. The first one, LeRoux, was close to perfect till Rocky the rescued boy came. Then 2 weeks ago came the 4.5 mo. old. We had committed to him before we got Rocky. We have talked to a rescue org. that rehabilitates. They are glad to take him, but will not give him back to us once we let them have him to rehabilitate. That is not what we want. We are hoping for some help then keep our new boy. We love him and he loves it here. He has responded well to love and a quiet home. Thanks for any help. alan

They are lucky to have you.

I think the circling is more of a fear response to stress than to hydrocephalus (water on the brain).  If he has eyes that you can see the whites on the inside near the tear ducts (called "sunset eyes") and an large open fontenal (top of the head) then he MAY have hydro but most likely it is just his response to discomfort.
Rescues you treat like puppies-start from the beginiing.
Here are some links to potty training-

I would not use a crate with your scared guy-try the bathroom.

Best of luck!