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Should I get a Pom puppy?

19 17:17:36

Recently a woman that I work with informed me that she breeds Pomeranians and she one left from the litter she just had.  For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a Pom puppy. There are a couple of questions I had before I tell her yes...1)  I am in college and I'll be graduating next spring and that will involve a move.  I was wondering if I should wait until I moved to get one or if the move won't effect the dog too much.  I don't want it to get upset with me or anything.  2)  My roommate and I live in a townhouse.  It's pretty spacious but there isn't a backyard.  I was wondering if they need a lot of space or is a two-level apartment will be okay.   3) I'm not too sure on how my neighbors would like a dog barking all of the time.  I've heard they are pretty quiet animals.  Is this true?  I think that's all I have for now.  Thank you for taking the time to answer these for me.  

Hi Deborah,

It shouldn't be a problem if you get a pom and need to move.  My pom is happy just being with me--wherever that may be!  Poms are bred to be companions and love nothing more than being with you, so if you are gone a lot you may want to reconsider getting one.  

A pom would do just fine in an apartment.  They don't need a lot of room but do enjoy going for walks. Poms are excellent watch dogs and bark to let you know when someone or something is nearby.  They can be trained not to bark, but I would say they are going to do some barking whether trained or not.  It shouldn't be a problem.  My pom barks to warn me of someone nearby, but he rarely barks when we are hanging around the house.  He's not much of a talker.  

Make sure that the breeder is not a backyard breeder but breeds to improve the breed.  Someone who breeds to show poms.  Poms are very overbred.  There are many hyper, yappy, unhealthy poms with behavior problems that barely resemble the bred.  It can be hard to find a good dog but well worth the effort!  My pom is calm, even tempered, happy and healthy.  He weighs 7 pounds and looks just like the poms in the dog shows on TV.   

Let me know if you have anymore questions!
Best Regards,