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Pom mixed

19 17:17:09


I'm considering purchasing a puppy whose mother is a Pomeranian and father a Yorkshire Terrier. She is two months old and weighs 1 pound. The owner is asking for $500 , I feel that price is too much because it is a mixed breed.
Do you think the puppy is too small and is the price the owner is asking for too expensive?

Hi Mariesha,

I agree with you.  They are asking way too much for a mixed breed puppy!  For that amount, you could get a purebred from a reputable show breeder.  Anyone who breeds mutts is most likely a backyard breeder or a puppy mill operator and is usually only interested in making money.  Therefore, the quality of the dog is questionable.  Tiny puppies from these breeders often have health problems and some don't live very long.  

It's important to do a little research on any breeds you may be interested in if you want to get a dog that is healthy, typey, and has a sound temperment.  Whatever type of breed you decide on, it's extremely important that you find a reputable show breeder.  You can find a good breeder
by attending local dog shows, dog magazines, or the internet.  Knowing what a dog is suppose to look and act like will help you recognize the good breeders, the not so good breeders, and the downright horrible breeders.
Never by a puppy from a pet store.  Also, the newpaper is filled with backyard breeders and puppy mills.  Once in a while will you find a good breeder in the paper.

Check out this website for dog breed info:

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Best Regards,