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how could i get one?

19 17:17:05

i'm sorry to bother you but i have a question about getting a dog. my parents say no to getting one but i want one so badly. how should i conovince them to let me get one. a pomeranian is my favorite. they say i'm allergic and because of my mom's job i can't get it. my mom does babysitting and she's afraid of getting the allergic too. please give me some tips on conviencing one if you can. if not just don't bother. thank you

I can understand your interest in these little dogs but if you are allergic then your mom may be doing what is best for your health.  No amount of convincing will change her mind if it is set.  There really isn't anything I can suggest to get her to change her mind.  You can find out if your doctor can prescribe you an anti allergy medice if it is something your mom wants to get for you.  I don't know how bad your allergies are or if this would help.  Poms shed and the require a lot of grooming and care.  If you get one it will be a companion for you for many many years.  You will need to make sure you can make a commitment to him/her and not have to give him/her up in a short while because your body doesn't handle the hair.
Maybe you could find a breeder near you and start visiting to see if the Pom hair and skin are a problem for you.  If it is then you have your answer, if it is not then maybe your mom will see that and change her mind.  Otherwise you might be able to get your dog fix by helping out at your local shelter.
Good luck to you.