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Should I adopt a pom?

19 17:13:21

I was at the pound with my family today and fell in love with a cream colored pom about the size of a Jack Russell. We took him out of the cage and he seemed very mellow, he didn't snap, bark, bite and he didn't seem nervous. However, we have a 2 1/2 year old girl and another on the way. We used to have a Chihuahua and our daughter adored him and they got along great. We had to get rid of him and our daughter is devastated. We would like to get the pom to take his place. Everything I've read says that poms and children are a no. But he was very mellow and our daughter is used to small dogs. Whats your opinion? Should we adopt him or consider a different breed?

It isn't a breed you are adopting, it is a dog so there are personality quirks with every individual dog.  Are you in a better place that you were with the chi? Will you be able to give this dog a loving home for the rest of its 12-18 year life? Do you feel like you can teach your child about the proper handling of a small breed dog? If the answer is yes and you feel like you can be a calm assertive owner who teaches this dog that you are the leaders of your pack and are sure to walk him every day to get out pent up energy then go for it.
I have 4 kids... and several Poms.  Nary a one is mean to people. :o) Make sure your ids don't pull tails or hair and make sure they only sit while holding so that the Pom doesn't get dropped and break a leg.

Best of luck.
A rescue is a lifelong commitment. :o)
