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toilet training older dog w/ no none history

19 17:16:56

I just adopted an older Pom whose probably had several owners. The man I got him from is ill an unable to answer my questions. My dog is urinating and deficating in the house. I've had him a little less than 2 weeks. He's urianting less now in the house but he won't deficate outside. I do try to walk him frequently but 4 days a week I'm gone from 7:30am until 6pm. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason when he goes in the house. The past few work days he hasn't gone inside at all, during the day. When I take him out he'll urinate, and then when I bring him in he may still uriante inside. After a long walk he'll deficate in the house. I just got a litter box and put a water bottle in the middle to help him have a taget to uriante on. Any tips on my problem would be extremely appreciated. Thanks!

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you-we have been gone.
If your Pom has been in several homes and then in a home he may not have gotten the training he needed, the most important thing you can do is be patient.
He may have learned all this time that pooping IN the house IS where he is supposed to go.  It just takes love and relearning.  He will go outside to go to the bathroom as soon as he realizes that is where you want him to go.  Take him out as often as you can.  Then when you come in, go right back out.  Sometimes they didn't know you were bringing them in and they need to be remninded that OUT is the place to "go".  If he poops in the house take the poop outside and show him where you want him to go.  They will usually try to go in the same places all the time.  If you can't supervise him, do not let him have run of the house till you can trust him.  Try kenneling him while you are away, or giving him a place to stay that has a place for him to go to the bathroom maybe on wee pads or the litter box you mentioned is good; in a fenced off kitchen or bathroom.  Most dogs will have to go as soon as they wake up, excercise or eat.  He may need more time outside to get to a feeling and find "the right place" to go.  Try checking out my links page for more tips on training. or email me and I can send you some stuff on Pom training techniques.
Good luck with him! :-)
Gemini Poms