Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > pregnancy


19 17:16:08

i have a pom and she is about to burst with puppies, i have never owned a pom berofe and so far she is the best dog i have ever had. she was pregnant before i got her but i did not know it, now she is about to have the puppies and im not sure what to expcet. how will i know when she is about to give birth? and should i be home from work? i honestly dont know how to go about all of this so i guess my question to you is.... what am i supposed t do, and expect. how will all of this work? any info would be extreamly helpfull, thank you very much

take her temp morning and night and when she has a drop in temp then you know the pups will whelp within 24 hrs.  Have at the ready, lots of clean towels, sterile scissors, wax free dental floss to tie cords, heating pad to keep pups warm, stiptic powder for unconrolable umbilical bleeding, nutrical for suplimenting mama dog, give her vitamin calcium when she goes into labor.
Have on hand the number and directions to an emergency vet where you can rush her in case of a C section.
You can find lots of helpful links about Pom breeding off my
Good luck.