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car rides

19 17:14:07

I have a 7week old pomeranian everytime I take him in the car or around a lot of new people he starts to drool alot is this normal?

He also has multi colors his body is whiye and black and his head is a copper color. some one told me he could not be full pom with his colors is this true?  

The drooling in the car is from being cars sick. If he is doing it around a lot of new people then it is probably shock.  Both can be combated with a squirt of Nutrical or Nutristat-something you should be carrying around with you wherever your puppy is.  You should also not allow strangers to touch him or let him on new ground till he has had his vaccinations as he can pick up kennel cough, parva or any number of other diseases or viruses without the protection of the vaccines.  At that age he shouldn't have been taken away from him mother yet... but as you have him now then you have to be sure to protect him as best you can. :o)

Best of luck and be sure to pick up some Nutrical.

Here are some info links-
