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Pom ears

19 17:16:22

 I just bought a 17 wks old pom and one of his ears doesn't go up.  I saw both of the ears go up only once, can you tell me why and is there somthing serious going on? My Pom has a Vet. appt. next week for check up, but i would like to know if I should worry.
                   Thank, Evelyn

If the ears don't go up then my first concern would be that he was not a purebred.  If that is not an issue then he may just have ears that are too big to stand on their own.  If this is the case then you can take hair clippers or scissors to the hair on the backs of the ear leather and cut it all off (it will grow back) and this will lighten the ear so that it can stand until the cartilidge forms in the ear to hold it up.  He may be too old for this to work but it is worth a try. :-)