Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > kenell cough ~~~!!!

kenell cough ~~~!!!

19 17:14:39

HO Trish :
I bought a pom 1 month ago in the june of 2006, I in a pet store ) then after 3 days staying at home with me I realized that his is coughing , took him to the vet right away on the 26th of june and vet said that he has kenell cough . gave him antibotics and finsihed that in a week. nothing seems to stop this stubborn virus , he is still coughing as usuall and seems like it wouldn't go away ! I give him the cough medicine that vet prescribe and vitamin C . to help his immune stystem. and also I got him a little bottle of cough remedy ( natural product ) that helps kenell cough in the pet store..  thats about it , he still eats and play sometimes but after awhile like 30 minutes or so, he starts coughing and sneezing too.. what can be done ? its been 1 month now and he's only 3 1/2 months old ........
please advise ...

thanks a million , Heather  

This is a common puppy problem especially if you buy from a pet store...
it is a really bad cold and it takes a long while to get over it.  The antibiotics were to keep it from becoming an upper respitory problem, not to get rid of the cough.
You can use Robitussen for children in tiny amounts-1-2 cc's a few times a day.  Also the vapor plug ins where he sleeps and keeping him from barking-aggitates the throat, making him cough more.

Check with your vet if it gets worse.
