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Boyfriends Pom

19 17:14:47

My boyfriend has Pom and he lets the dog go on all the furniture and roll and sleep on the pillows on his bed.  It is very disgusting to me, because there is dog hair every where and it is not a mood maker, instead a mood breaker. Also, the dog barks out of control for no reason out of the blue, most of the day/night. I love my boyfriend, but I feel that this dog is going to be an issue in our lives. This dog does what it wants and he does not mind, but I do. He does not know how I feel~yet.  I don't want to lose what we have.  I love dogs.  I have one myself.  Please, if you can helo me out.   Thank you so much!  

I am afraid I would be of the opinion this guy isn't for you.  I let my dogs be anywhere they want in my home too and couldn't be with a man who wouldn't allow this...
here is a sign I have framed and posted in our home-
If you don't want to be greeted with paws and swinging tails
don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you don't like the feel of a cold nose or a wet tongue,
don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you don't want to step over many scattered toys,
don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you think a home ought to smell of perfume,
don't come inside because dogs live here.
If the loud sound of barking hurts your ears,
that you feel a dog should just sit,
then don't come inside because dogs live here.
If hair clinging to your clean dark clothes offends you,
then don't come inside because dogs live here.
If carpet and furniture doesn't look new and spotless,
then don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you don't mind all of this,
you will be instantly surprised
as when you enter our home you will find  
nothing but smiles of love and happiness that resides,
because dogs live here and bless our lives.

You may have to find someone who feels the way you do about where a dog is allowed to be in your home and where it is not.
You should talk to him about it.

Best of luck.