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getting 1 more pom

19 17:15:47

hi trish, you have helped me with pebbles so much. thanks to you she is doing excellent. thank you. i was thinking of getting another puppy pom the litter will be ready at the end of you think it is a good idea for her. maybe they won't get along or i might lose the bond i have with pebbles. i wanted to get her a playmate for when i am at work. although she is doing great on her own i don't want to lose my bond with her either. 1 more question. pebbles is 2.5 pounds and she is 9 weeks. do you have any idea how big she might get. her mom is 7lbs and her dad is 4. thank you so much for your help. you are the best

At her age she should be able to get along just fine with a new puppy and they will become fast friends.  You won't have as much of a connection with either as they will together due to the amount of time they will be spending together and how much they have in common! ;)
A formula I use is to triple the 8 week weight or double the 12 week weight to get a pretty good guess at what they will be grown.  I would guess she will be about 7 lbs grown. Give or take up to a pound.  A lot depends on the size of the parents.  It looks like she will be her dams size.

Best of luck with her and the maybe new puppy!