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2 puppies

19 17:14:46

Hi Trish,

I have 2 pom pups and they are great.  They were doing really well & not messing in their pen at night for almost a week & now they are back at it.  Any idea how I can teach them when I am not there to see?  

With puppies you will have to be consistant and give them LOTS of praise for going where you want and helping them to learn where you want them to go so if you are not there to teach them that makes learning harder and a longer process.
You may want to leave a litterbox in the pen with some wood stove pellets, (and maybe even leave a poo in there so they know that is what the litterbox is for)they may use that.  Or piddle pads.  You didn't say how old they are but keeping them penned while you are away is a great dea as long as they have plenty of food and water and toys to play with.

Best of luck!