Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > Pom potty training issues

Pom potty training issues

19 17:13:04

QUESTION: Dear Brandie,  Is it possible as I read in the last question and answer on poms to both potty train them to use a piddle pad and go outside?

ANSWER: Hi Elizabeth,
It sure is.  Use the potty pads in a CONFINED area only. (such as a kids play pen when your not at home, or perhaps one enclosed small room) and use the jingle bell the rest of the time.  Dogs are smart and being clear to them what is allowed and what isn't is the idea.  The jingle bell is crystal clear - it works, be sure to try it.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Brandie,  Thanks for the answer to my question.  Can you eventually let them have free run of the house?  And could you explain the jingle bell method.

Hi Elizabeth,
Yes you can but you need to do it in "steps" a little more area at a time to insure that your dog understands that it is ok to use the pads when your gone but to use the door when your home.  You don't want to mess them up, you have to keep things very clear for them.
The jingle bell method of house breaking is the BEST.  It is very clear for them - and everyone in your house. Go to your local craft store and buy a 2" jingle bell.  Tie a long ribbon (you can get one that matches your decor) so that the jingle bell hangs to the height that you dog can reach.  Every time you take your dog out to go potty ring the bell.  It doesn't take long and your dog will be ringing the bell themselves.  The first time, just to mess with it and see what it is - take them OUT.  Then they quickly get the message that when they ring the bell - you take them outside.  Don't mess up, if they ring the bell - out they go and soon -- VERY soon your dog will ring the bell everytime they have to go potty.
