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puppy coming home to night

19 17:15:04

I am bring home my female pom tonight and I am unsure what to do when she bites.  If I stop giving her attention whey she does it and put her in her crate, and she goes into her crate at night to sleep, will she think she is getting punished when it is time to go to bed?  And how long does she have to sleep in the crate for to potty train her?

First of all none of my puppies have ever bitten me.  Mostly they just give kisses.  It is hard on a young
pup to hold their urine and poop all night.  I would
suggest you get an exercise pen for this pup.

I think the way you can create a problem in kenneling a
young animal too much.  This pup needs exercise.  Put
down newspapers in an exercise pen and put the crate with
the door open for her to come in and out.

Second you need to take her outside where you can watch
her after feeding and etc. so she gets the idea to potty
somewhere beside the house.