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no milk after delivery

19 17:14:36

My pom is 4 yrs. old, 5-6lbs, and recently gave birth to a single pup which died because she had no milk (could've been other things wrong also but she definitly had no milk production)
The vet said if this happened this time, it would happen again.  Is this true?  Is there anything I can do to ensure this?  Was it just because it was her first time and she was nervous?

I don't agree with your vet as I have had many females have
milk when bred again.  Next time you breed her you might give her about a tablespoon of raw hamberger with her kibble.

Meat has an impact on milk flow.  I also her Milk Thisle
helps bring in milk but I have never used it.  You would
get the capsules from a health food store.