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paws and puppy shampoo

19 17:14:35


I have another question.  My 10 week old pom has all black paws, except for one that is white. What does this mean?  Do you think he is a purebreed?

Also, I have a gently puppy shampoo for him.  Is it okay to bathe him every other day.

Finally, on Friday I am taking him to the vet for the first time since I got him. He is now 10 weeks old.  Is there any flea medicine I can give him at this age?


Doesn't mean anything. :o) Poms come in a rainbow of colors.

You should not bathe the pup more than once every 2-3 weeks AT THE MOST-it will dry out his skin washing away the mousturizing natural oils in his coat.  Leaving dry flakey itchy skin.

He is old enough for Advantage or Frontline.  Ask your vet.
