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Two month Pom with loose knee

19 17:15:02

I resently inquired about a 2 month old Pom puppy for sale. The breeder told me that two days ago she found out that the puppy I'm interested in purchasing has a loose knee. Should I consider purchasing her? Will she need surgery of some sort, or medication, or is it something she'll just have to live with? What will I have to do to take care of her. I also have a young 50 lbs female Siberian Husky. Will she put extra stress on the Pom? My husky has been around with my aunt's teacup Maltese, and she barely pays attention to the Maltese. She's not a real rough dog, pretty laid back for a husky. I'm just wondering how much care and pre-caution I'll have to take if I do buy this Pom. Thanks! =)

I would not purchase this puppy if I were you.  A loose knee cap can be as minor as just something the pup lives with that never bothers it to where it pops out regularly and you need a $2000+ surgery.  
It would just be safer to keep looking unless the breeder will allow you and you have the finances to take it to a vet to be checked out before hand.

Best of luck!
