Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > activity level/and making a urine mistake when hyper with people

activity level/and making a urine mistake when hyper with people

19 17:17:15

how do i stop my male and female poms from making urine mistakes (tinkles) everytime someone is enjoying play time with them? and also, how can i bring their activity level down just a tad? mainly my female pom.

Hi Renee,

How old are your poms?  Neutering/spaying will help with the potty problem.  Are they pottying in the house at other times as well?  With the info you've given me it sounds like submissive urination. Check out these sites for more info:

Poor breeding is what usually causes frequent hyperactivity.  Also, dogs that live outside and don't get enough attention can also become hyper.  Giving them plenty of exercise will help a lot!  If they are young they will calm down some as they get older.  Another thing you may want to try:  When your female is acting hyper, have her lay down, pet her calmly and tell her to "settle".  You may have to say "settle several times.  Act calm yourself.  Dogs respond to our behavior.  If you are calm, she is more likely to be calm.  Praise her soothingly.  Give a treat--but not everytime.  Make her stay (hold her down gently if you have to) for a five to ten minutes.  Talk quietly to her during her "settle" time.  You could offer her a rawhide bone to chew at later sessions (when you get her to "settle" for at least five minutes).  Increase time with each session.  Practice  a couple times everyday.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Best Regards,