Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > biting


19 17:15:49

hi trish, your advice for pebbles helped me so much. pebbles is doing great.infact she already waits for me to get home from work to take her outside to relieve herself. i only have one other problem. if she chews on something she isn't supposed to i say no and she listens. but when she starts biting me or other people i say no she won't listen. how can i get her to stop biting? thank you so much for taking your time to help me.

There are a couple things you can try-when she goes to bite you-gently but firmly press your hand into her mouth to where she wants to pull back.  This can make her understand that when she bites, it ends up not being comfortable for her.  Or you can take hand away and close your hand over her mouth and firmly tell her NO BITE.  You then want to turn her onto her back and hold her there for a few minutes as a way of showing her that YOU are the boss of her and that she is not the alpha of your "pack"-you are.
Try these out and see how they work.

Gemini Poms