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my 5 month pom

19 17:15:19

As a child I grew up with dogs.  This Christmas my boyfriend bought me a pomeranian (1'st dog of my own)He had poms growing up I never did. We recieved him when he was 8 weeks old, Looked like a big puff ball pure bred pom! Probably in the last month or two while I was brushing him I started noticing that I had to clean the brush out 2 or 3 times. Now he has this wirery raty looking furr and doesnt look like a pom anymore. My boyfriends sister owns a pomeranian also, but says that hers at his age was a big puff. Our friends are starting to think we got ripped off and got sold a cross breed. I dont want to admit it but I am kind of starting to think so to. (No matter what I love him hes my Baby) Is this normal for poms or not?

Please e-mail me with any helpful info

You'll find that you share this concern with others who have logged in-check out the archives. :)

This is a normal coat stage of development for Poms.  It should come back in fine with the next few months.
