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Puppy Growling

19 17:16:50

I just purchased one female and one male poms.  They are littermates.

My male has a "purr" sometimes when he is picked up.  The vet said it is a "puppy growl" that should be stopped asap.  

How do I get him to stop the "puppy growl"?

Also, I am trying to litter train them.  However, they like to play outside alot so they do their "thing" outside and when inside, about 50% of the time they "hit" the potty pad I use to try to get them used to that so I can then transfer the potty pads into a litter box for them.  Could I be successful in training both inside and outside?

Hi Vicki,

When he growls just tell him, "No".  If that doesn't work grab him by the scruff of the neck, shake and scold him in a low-toned, threatening voice, then look him in the eyes until he looks away.  Looking a dog in the eyes is dominant behavior.  You are the alpha dog.  

Yes, you can train them to go in a litter box and outside.  My pom does.  It can take awhile to train them.  Neutering and spaying would help a lot.  Do not allow them free reign of the house until trained. Put them in the box (not at the same time of course!) and tell them to, "Go potty".  Also, you may want to put some of their poop in it to help them understand what you want.  Give them treats often and praise lavishly when they go.  Continue to take them outside sometimes to potty as well.

You can do it!

Best Regards,