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Pom running from me.

19 17:14:15

My pomeranian likes to run from me all the time.  When its time to go to bed or leave to go to work she will not come to me.  Its like a game to her.  Is this correct behavior or is this something that I should have control over.  

This frustrating and annoying behavior is very very common. :o) There are a couple thgings that may help get her to you when you need her to.  Aside from these tips it would be a great idea to get her to some basic obedience classes as running away from you when you NEED her to come like when a cart is coming, a big dog, an emergency situation...
So to help in the now you can have treats stored all over the house-next to your chair in the living room, in the kitchen, by the front door.  When she comes to you treat her. and praise her.  Soon she will realize that coming to you is a good thing.  Do not chase her when you can aviod it.  It will continue the game.  And you may also try keeping a lead on her so that when you need to bring her to you you can hold the lead calmly saying "come, come" as you pull the lead closer and closer and then treat her.  Never scold her if  she doesn't come right away... no one comes to a crazy yelling person! :o)

Best of luck.