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chewing on his legs

19 17:15:40

Thanks for the info about the food. I will definitely check it out. But now how about him chewing on his legs ? Any information regarding that? Thanks again.
Followup To
Question -
We have a 5 yr. old Pom who does NOT eat dog food. Never would. Do you have any suggestions on what to feed him that could be as good as dog food. And my new major concern is he has been chewing on his hind feet/legs until they are raw. What can I do to stop it and what causes it?
I will appreciate any help you can give.

Answer -
Nothing with high fat content but low fat cooked meats, cheeses, green beans, rice... those are good alternatives.  You can also look up B.A.R.F. food for dogs.  It stands for Bones and Raw Food.  There is a belief that it is better for dogs.
Here are some links

Try it out. :)

Your dog could be suffering from allergies from any number of sources-food, fleas, detergents.  For the sores you could try coliodal silver or hydrocortison cream.  Maybe ask your vet to take a look at it and see if there are things you can change at home.  If it gets really bad you may have to get a E collar so that the dog will not cause too much damage to the skin and make an infection.  Make sure you treat for fleas every month so that your dog does not have that as an issue and then try different food-some dogs are allergic to beef-try lamb or chicken foods.