Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > socializing


19 17:14:15

We have a 9 year old pomeranian.  We just got a new pom that is about 12 weeks old.  Our old dog acts like she is scared of the puppy.  The puppy is a male.  He wants to play so bad with our older dog but she just runs from him.  Why?
Thank you.
Janice Greengrass

That is a big age difference.  Your older Pom may not know she is a dog and this intruder is too much for her.  She may be afraid of the puppy's quick movements and excitement.  Try introducing them at times when the puppy has played andplayed with you and will not be so much of a handful.  Rememeber that your puppy is like a preteen who wouldn't have a lot in common with a Grandparent-not at all moving at the same pace.  Be there to play with the pup and allow the older dog to take its time in getting to know the little one.  Be sure to greet and feed the older one first so they don't feel like their spot is being taken over.

Best of luck.

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