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my border terriers skin irritation

19 17:13:26

Hi Trish i have a 9 month old border terrier called rosco. he constantlt scratches his front and rear legs forst thing in the morning and at night. The vet has given me an antihistamine but it does nt seem to work. He does have a rash on his rear leg but it seems as though he is being bitten. I have found a number of lumps.. scabs on his body and a recent one his back looks like a spot, but when examined by the vet he ruled out fleas - please help

He may be allergic to food and might have allergies to fleas or mites.  Just becuase you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.  Have you flea treated? Revolution is great.  Use itmonthly.  Try a chicken and rice diet.  A lot of dogs are allergic to beef.

You may also want to get a second vet opinion... maybe do some skin scrapings to find out what is bothering him

Best of luck.
