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running away pom

19 17:14:32

My pom loves to run, and thinks it's a game of catch me if you can. I know you're not supposed to chase a running dog, but she travels very far very quickly. I used to be able to get her to come back by going the other direction, and telling her to come get a yum yum, but this no longer works. One time we weren't home and she got out and was gone for the night. help! I'm terrified of loosing her.

It is very important you take her to obedience classes for her safety and your piece of mind.
You cannot let her run free till you can trust her.
You are right-you should not chase and you can't scold once you've caught her as that will teach her to not come to you at all.

Classes will help you both know what to expect from each other.
