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Foot Ordor

19 17:16:57

Help - My Red Pomp has worst feet than me. We have given a bath but DO NOT want to over wash her but is there ANYTHING like Dr. Scholl's for dogs? We have tried cologne but only MASKS her tootsies.

Thanks for ANY help.


Dogs sweat through their feet and a slight (almost unnoticable to humans) odor may be put off there.  When a dog scratches it's feet, it is leaving its scent mark.  You shouldn't be able to smell it though and it should not be offensive.  It sounds like your pup may have a fungus and that should be looked at and treated by a vet.  If it itches them too, that may be an indicator of something not being right.
I would take your pup in for a checkup.  
Good luck getting that taken care of! :-)
Gemini Poms