Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > 4 year old Pom

4 year old Pom

19 17:13:36

We adopted a 4yr. old Pom 1 year ago. He is very moody and likes to spend a lot of time on the couch looking out the patio window during the day. If I sit on the couch next to him and enjoy petting him he stays for about 3 mintues and then leaves and goes to another couch in the same room and turns his back to me. I'm sad because I wanted a lap dog to pet and cuddle with. Can you help? Thank you

I am sorry about that.
Unfortunatly it may just be his personality...
or you can try bribing him to stay.
Treat him when he allows you to pet him or when he cmes to you.
ALl of mine comes to me and want attention so i am not familiar with this...
