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7 month old Pom

19 17:15:18

I have two poms, one is 3yrs old and one is 7 months old. He is going to be the death of me. I love him very very much, but can NOT get him trainned, he doesn't like the crate and would tear apart anything else. He does go sometimes outside for potty time, but not to poop. We could be outside for an hour or longer and I still can't get him to poop, once we are inside he does. Potting is okay, like I said, but just the other day in front of me, he pees on the bed. My other pom learned much faster, I'm beginning to think it was just beginners luck and I have lost it. Any suggestions, I do clean with simple solution, he is SO easily distracted.

You can compare dogs like you can kids... they each have thier own personality and thier own rate of learning.  By 7 months he should be cathcing on to where you want him to go.  You need to stay patient and be persistant.  
You are not alone-many others have experienced problems in getting potty training under control-check out the question archives. ;)
Have a place it is ok for him to "go" and if he goes somewhere else, pick it up and put it in the place he is supposed to use-whether that is a indoor place or outdoor.  If you want him to go out, go out then come in and go right backout till he goes.
Sometimes dog behave in a negative way to try to tell you they are unhappy with something also...
