Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > funny noise.......

funny noise.......

19 17:16:30

I recently "rescued" a pom from a sad home life,2 yr. old real life bam-bam, so the dog was constantly crated for it's own safety, as well as a 10 ft python that was frequently "escaping its cage!I am not even sure that she is full blooded but i dropped $300 in their laps and took her on the spot! I have had her vet checked and all is well except that when she gets very excited, if we get company for example, she makes this strange snorting sound, almost as if she is sneezing backwards! She is 5 months old, and otherwise a bundle of energy that brightens every day! Again the only time she does this is when she is very excited!

From your description it sounds like she may be afflicted with a common Pom issue-collapsing trachea.  At such a young age, I would have it checked as it is a condition that worsens with age.  Otherwise, it could be what is called a reverse sneeze-not a big problem, just a funny sound.  But if it happens when she gets worked up then it sounds more like a trachea issue.  She may require surgery.
Feel free to email me and i can send you info on Poms. :-)
Good luck and enjoy her!
Gemini Poms