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how do i break a baby pom from biting

19 17:13:25

i just got an 8 week old pom .i had one before her that was 10 ehen i got her she was already potty trained and did't bite and with this new little baby  i just don't know what to do. i don't wan't to be to mean or harsh where she shy's away from anyone but i do wan't her to stop biting please help. thank you

Check out the archives for lots of links and tips on puppy biting.
I would also reccomend the book Cesar's Way by Cesar Millan.... I love it! :o)

There are lots and lots of links to helpful info about your new little Pom too on my links page off my web site.

Best of luck with you rnew baby.  Nip this in the bud and I htik you AND pupy will be much ahppier in the long run.
