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growling pomeranian

19 17:17:45

My friend adopted a 3-yr old pomeranian and its buddy, a sheltie, about a month ago. The pomeranian and sheltie were given up because the family had a baby.

The pomeranian is fun and active and lets people pick her up and pet her. After a while of being held on someone's lap, all the while seeming comfortable and happy, the dog will start growling at the person holding her. It is not a nice, playful growl either.

Any suggestions?

Sounds strange.  I wonder if the dog is in pain--bad hips or something.  Or maybe she's overwhelmed by the all attention or afraid. She is still getting use to a new environment.  Can you talk to the people who had her to see if she has done this before?  I wonder if the pom was aggressive toward the baby.  Without seeing how the dog behaves, it's difficult for me to tell why she's doing this. For now, whenever you hold the dog have treats on hand and when she starts to growl say, "don't growl" or similar command.  When she becomes quiet tell her, "good dog!" and give her a small treat.  Even if she doesn't growl when you hold her occassionally give her a treat and tell her she is such a well behaved dog.  You didn't mention how long she is being held.  Maybe she isn't use to being held for long periods of time.  Limit the length of time for a while.  Also, poms have thick coats and can get very warm sitting in a warm lap.  If this doesn't help you may want to talk with your vet and see what he says.
Please keep me posted on how she's doing.

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