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My Pom-puppy biting and head tilting

19 17:15:16

My puppy bites constantly while playing.  Someone at the dog store told me to put my finger down his throat when he bites my fingers so that he will gag and that will teach him that it's not pleasant and he will then stop.  This to me seems abusive? Is this what I should do?

Also, when I talk to my Pom, he tilts his head back and forth.  It is the cutest thing ever but does it mean anything?

Thank you in advance...

He is tilting his head trying to hear you better.

Secondly, do Not poke fingers or anything else down a small
animals throat.  Take your finger and thump him on the nose when he bites and put him up.  In a crate or exercise pen.

When you let him out and he comes to you happy reward him
a small treat such as cheese and pet him.  As long as he isn't biting continue to pet him but anytime he gets to bitting again put him away.  Do not encourage a biting behavor as he will continue to do this as a mature pom.